Beyond the Void

Beyond the Void

Empty notebooks can take up a lot of spaces, even if it’s only an A5 notebook. Trust me, I should know as I currently have three empty notebooks that are sitting on my shelves. One was a present, another was supposed to be a diary and the other I got last week because it was aesthetically appealing…The problem is I haven’t decided what to do with them yet and I thought ya know, I can’t be the only one struggling with this so why not make a list of things you can use a notebook for? So here is a list of a few things you can use an empty notebook for:


Whether it’s to write down your thoughts, stay positive or remember your favourite moments. Journaling is a great way to remind ourselves that life isn’t all that bad.


Now, saying this makes me a hypocrite because I can’t plan to save myself but that’s okay because loads of people plan. If you have an empty notebook write down your to-do list or your monthly plans. Make it a note of concerts or events you’re going to and don’t forget appointments.


If you like to work out, an empty notebook is a great way to keep yourself update on your workout routine, how much weight you’ve lost and when you plan on going to the gym. Don’t let people dissuade you from your fitness goal, write your goal down and then give yourself a prize when you’ve reached it (this would be a book for me as I love reading)


We all have a favourite food whether it’s junk food or something healthy, take your favourite food, find a recipe and write it down or make your own recipe and create your own cookbook. Jot down experiments you’ve tried and if they were good or bad.

Dream Journal

Whether you have dreams when you sleep or dreams you want to achieve, write them down and track your progress. If you dream when you’re asleep, write it down and try to crack what it could mean. Instead of using google, let your imagination run wild and figure out what the dream means.

So, here’s a few ideas for writing in empty notebooks, honestly, I should try some of these myself and use up the notebooks I have. I’ll post some progress on my Instagram story when I start and if you want to stay up to do, my Instagram can be found on my home page and if you don’t want to do that, search up StarliteScribble (yellow profile picture and some poems and photography). See you in my next blog!

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